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Guilherme joined the Law Department of ITAM as Profesor Asociado de Tiempo Completo in August 2019. Previously, he held sessional and full-time teaching and research appointments in Australia (James Cook University and The University of Queensland), China (Xi’an Jiaotong University), Finland (University of Helsinki) and Italy (La Sapienza). He also taught an intensive seminar at Universidad de los Andes (Colombia).

He is currently an Affiliated Research fellow at the Erik Castrén Institute of International Law and Human Rights (University of Helsinki), having held other past affiliations at the Research Centre for Public Law (University of Lisbon) and The Collaborative Innovation Centre For Silk Road Economic Belt Studies (Xi’an Jiaotong University).

Guilherme has a Law Degree from Universidade Nova de Lisboa (2006) comprising a semester at the University of Trento (Erasmus Exchange) and a Joint LLM in Law & Economics from Bologna, Hamburg and Haifa Universities (2008). He obtained a Master of Research (2009) and a PhD (2012), both in Political and Social Sciences, from the European University Institute (Florence).

At ITAM, Guilherme teaches Private International Law. He has experience teaching and tutoring comparative jurisprudence (Chinese-Western traditions), public international law, international dispute settlement, comparative law, theories of international relations, global ethics, economics of European integration, and Australian business law & ethics.

Research wise, he is interested in interdisciplinary and comparative thinking about the role(s) of law, politics and ethics as modes of imagining and ordering domestic, regional and transnational contexts. He has published articles and books on international ethics; Chinese philosophy and its role in Chinese views on international law and foreign policy; the contribution of China’s Belt and Road Initiative to international normative thinking and the concept and role of law in international life; transnational normativity; the role of legal theory in legal education; Hayek and Luhmann on law as a complex social system and Badiou’s ethics. More policy/public sphere-oriented work has focused on the quality of the Portuguese civil justice system and legislation, political funding and constitutional amendment. Forthcoming work includes an edited volume with Maria Varaki for Cambridge University Press on ethical leadership in international organizations.

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Tiempo completo
Guilherme Vasconcelos
Academic Studies
LLB, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
LLM Law and Economics, Universities of Bologna (Italy), Hamburg (Germany), and Haifa (Israel)
MRes Political and Social Sciences, European University Institute, Italy
PhD Political and Social Sciences, European University Institute, Italy
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