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148829 - León Berdichevsky Acosta

He is Full Time Researcher Professor. He graduated with honors from the Physics Engineering Undergraduate Program at ITESM campus Monterrey, has a Master in Theoretical Physics with cum laude honor from Utrecht University in the Netherlands and a PhD in Theoretical Physics from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel.

He worked as the Deputy Director of the Analytics area at Banorte Insurance and Pensions. He also worked in the Risk Analytics area at BBVA Bancomer constructing statistical and machine learning models for Credit Risk Management of different portfolios.

41165 - Leonardo Rojas Nandayapa

am a mathematician working in applied probability. My main research interests are on rare events, heavy‐tailed distributions and extremes, with certain emphasis on efficient rare‐event simulation. I also have interests in risk theory, stochastic simulation, queueing theory, extreme value theory, stability and statistical inference for stochastic processes.

10279 - María Mercedes Gregorio Domínguez

She holds an Actuarial Science Bachelor degree from ITAM and a PhD in Statistics and Operations Research from University of Essex, England. She joined the ITAM faculty in Actuarial Science in 1998. She is Director of the BSc Actuarial Science Program at ITAM and Coordinator of the Actuarial Science Department at ITAM. She is full time professor and researcher at ITAM; she belongs to the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI). She is an Associate of the Society of Actuaries (SOA).

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