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16429 - Luis Enrique Nieto Barajas

Luis Enrique Nieto Barajas Has a BSc in Actuarial Science from ITAM, an MSc in Statistics from IIMAS-UNAM and PhD in Statistics from the University of Bath in the UK. Worked in a marketing research company for two years and from 2001 to date is full time Professor of Statistics at ITAM. Has been statistical consultant for IFE (now INE) is diverse projects such as district formation, quick count and verification of the electoral padron, and external consultant for several companies.

10406 - Víctor Manuel Guerrero Guzmán

He has been full Professor and Researcher in the Department of Statistics at ITAM since 1990 and was Head of the Stat Department. He holds the degrees of Actuary from UNAM and both the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Statistics from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. He is a member of the National System of Researchers (SNI) with Level III. During year 2017 he has been working as an Invited Researcher in the Dirección General Adjunta de Investigación at the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) in Mexico City.

160904 - Amrita Bahri

Assistant Professor of Law; Deputy Director, Centre for International Economic Law, ITAM

Dr. Amrita Bahri, who is currently an Assistant Professor of Law at ITAM University, is an international trade law scholar with the experience of practice, teaching and research. She is the Deputy Director for the Centre of International Economic Law at ITAM. She has a PhD in International Trade Law from University of Birmingham and an LLM in International Business Law from London School of Economics.

168196 - Adrián Lucardi

Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at ITAM in Mexico City. Level I researcher at the National Researchers System (SNI) of Mexico’s National Council of Science and Technology (CONACyT). BA in Political Science from the Universidad de San Andrés (Buenos Aires) and PhD in Political Science from Washington University in St. Louis.

12925 - Antonio Lloret Carrillo

Antonio Lloret has more than 10 years of work experience in the financial and commercial sector. He is a full-time research professor at ITAM within the Academic Division of Administration and Accounting and is part of the National System of Researchers (Level I) of CONACYT. He is part of the ITAM Center for Energy and Natural Resources where he actively participates in the dissemination, research and training in energy and sustainability issues.

144534 - Ana Micaela Alterio

ANA MICAELA ALTERIO. PhD in Advanced Studies in Human Rights by Carlos III de Madrid University. Her thesis: ‘‘A democratic critique to neo-constitutionalism and its political and institutional implications” granted her the extraordinary doctorate award. She got her lawyer degree in the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo in Mendoza, Argentina. In the same province she was the Human Rights Coordinator until 2007, when she got the MAEC-AECI scholarship and went to Spain for her postgraduate studies.

115073 - AlbertoPuppo

Alberto Puppo is full-time Professor and Researcher (since 2012). He is a member of the Mexican National System of Researchers (Level I). He holds a doctorate in Analytical Philosophy and General Theory of Law from the University of Milan, and the degree in Law from the University of Genova. Since 2013 he has been the co-editor of the Journal Isonomía - Revista de teoría y filosofía del derecho, and since 2015 he has coordinated, with Raymundo Gama, the Seminar of Legal Philosophy García Máynez.

6674 - José Pantaleón Domínguez Esponda

He is full-time professor at Departamento Académico de Estudios Generales. He has a Licentiate degree in Philosophy from Universidad Panamericana; Master in Philosophy from Universidad Anahuac del Sur and he is currently writing his dissertation in Philosophy to obtain the PhD from Universidad Anáhuac del Sur. He has studies in Economics from ITAM and studies in Theology from the Universidad Pontificia de México.

51499 - Carlos Ernesto Urrutia Villalobos

Carlos Urrutia received his PhD in Economics from University of Minnesota in 1998. His areas of interest are within the fields of Macroeconomics and International Economics. He has worked on the topics of income differences across countries, income distribution, intergenerational mobility, social security, business cycles in emerging economies and financial and labor market frictions. He is currently an editor for the Latin-American blog Foco Económico.

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