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126455 - Jorge Alonso Ortiz

Jorge’s research interests are focused on macroeconomics and labor economics. Most of his work relates to understanding how cross country differences in labor market institutions are related to cross country differences in labor supply.  Right now, his research agenda is focused on understanding how the duality of social protection in Latin America is related to the large share of the population that does not contribute to social security in these countries.

15190 - Felipe Meza Goiz

Dr. Felipe Meza is a researcher at CAIE and a professor of Economics. He joined ITAM in 2007. He has worked on the impact of fiscal variables, the behavior of productivity during financial crises, the effects of financial liberalization, and the dynamics of the informal sector. More recently he has worked on the link between productivity and the cost and availability of bank credit for Mexican manufacturing sectors. As of 2017 his research topics also include the fiscal and monetary history of contemporary Mexico, real exchange rate dynamics, and the impact of the US monetary policy. Prof.

51499 - Carlos Ernesto Urrutia Villalobos

Carlos Urrutia received his PhD in Economics from University of Minnesota in 1998. His areas of interest are within the fields of Macroeconomics and International Economics. He has worked on the topics of income differences across countries, income distribution, intergenerational mobility, social security, business cycles in emerging economies and financial and labor market frictions. He is currently an editor for the Latin-American blog Foco Económico.

294 - Ignacio N. Lobato García Miján

Ignacio conducts research on theoretical econometrics, data management, machine learning, financial econometrics, time series, applied econometrics, forecasting, nonparametric procedures, and nonlinear methods. His recent econometric research has focused on inference in models defined by conditional moment restrictions, as well as time series methods for non-causal and non-invertible linear models.

169239 - Shaun David McRae

Shaun McRae is an Assistant Professor in the Centro de Investigación Económica and Department of Economics at ITAM. His fields of specialization are Energy and Environmental Economics and Industrial Organization. Shaun's research includes studies of electricity tariff and subsidy design in developing countries, the analysis of market performance in restructured electricity markets, the study of driving and gasoline purchase behavior, and the analysis of investments in pipeline infrastructure. He has a Ph.D. in economics from Stanford University.

37250 - TridibSharma

Tridib’s research focuses on dynamic games, mechanism design and experimental economics. His current research projects pertain to dynamic cheap talk and balanced prior free mechanisms. Tridib is also involved in studying data generated from experiments on correlated equilibria.

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