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10933 - Zeferino Parada García

Associated Professor on the field of Numerical Analysis. He has been visiting scholar at Rice University in Houston, Texas and Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia. He has organized several international meetings on Numerical Optimization. He pursued   bachelor and master degrees on Mathematics for the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and master and doctoral degrees for Rice Univesity in Houston, Texas,  on Applied Mathematics.

16429 - Luis Enrique Nieto Barajas

Luis Enrique Nieto Barajas Has a BSc in Actuarial Science from ITAM, an MSc in Statistics from IIMAS-UNAM and PhD in Statistics from the University of Bath in the UK. Worked in a marketing research company for two years and from 2001 to date is full time Professor of Statistics at ITAM. Has been statistical consultant for IFE (now INE) is diverse projects such as district formation, quick count and verification of the electoral padron, and external consultant for several companies.

44743 - Miguel Ángel Mota Gaytán

Before becoming an associate professorship at the Department of Mathematics at ITAM, I was a postdoc first at the Kurt Gödel Research Center for Mathematical Logic at the University of Vienna, then at Fields Institute for Mathematical Sciences, (where I was awarded the Jerrold E. Marsden Postdoctoral Fellow during the Thematic Program on Forcing and its Applications) and finally at the University of Toronto. I received my Ph.D in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics from th University of Barcelona under the supervision of David Asperó and Joan Bagaria.

156776 - Joao Morais

João Pedro Morais is a Portuguese mathematician working in the areas of Clifford and quaternionic analysis. In 2000, he started his undergraduate studies in Applied Mathematics and Computation at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Aveiro (Portugal). During the third year of studies he was invited to complete his undergraduate studies at the Institute of Mathematics and Physics, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (Germany) through the ERASMUS Programme. He received his Ph.D. in mathematics from Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (Germany) in 2009.

15063 - Manuel Mendoza Ramírez

He is full time Professor and his research field is Bayesian Statistics. He has been Head of the Statistics Department, Director of the Applied Statistics Centre and founding Director of the master program on Risk Management. He got a Bachelor degree on Actuarial Sciences from the UNAM as well as a Master degree on Statistics and Operations Research and a Doctor degree (Mathematics) also from the UNAM.

63847 - Alejandro Islas Camargo

He has been a full Professor and Researcher in the Department of Statistics at ITAM since 2001. He has a Bachelor and a Master degree in Mathematics from UAM, as well as, a Master degree in Statistics from Iowa State University. He received his Ph.D. from The University of New Mexico in economics. He is a member of the National System of Researchers, level I. He has been visitor professor at Texas A&M University (Bush School) and The University of New Mexico. He has been advisor in projects for SEDESOL, CONACYT/BIRF and UNDP Mexico.

10406 - Víctor Manuel Guerrero Guzmán

He has been full Professor and Researcher in the Department of Statistics at ITAM since 1990 and was Head of the Stat Department. He holds the degrees of Actuary from UNAM and both the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Statistics from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. He is a member of the National System of Researchers (SNI) with Level III. During year 2017 he has been working as an Invited Researcher in the Dirección General Adjunta de Investigación at the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) in Mexico City.

83368 - César Luis García García

César L. García did undergraduate studies in mathematics (BS) at the National University of Mexico (UNAM) and graduate studies (MSc and PhD) in mathematics at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas. Cesar Garcia has been a visiting scholar at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) at Berkeley, California and visiting professor at the Department of Mathematical Sciences at New Mexico State University. His research interest are on the geometry of Banach spaces, concentration of measure phenomena, Minkowski geometry, matrix analysis, and mathematical exposition.

89477 - Leobardo Fernández Román

He did his undergraduate studies (with honours) and his master studies in the Mathematics Department of the Science Faculty of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, UNAM, and his Ph. D. studies at the Mathematics Institute of the UNAM. During his Ph. D. studies he did a research stay, in Topology, from September 2007 to July 2008 in “The University of Toledo”, in Toledo, Ohio, USA. In June 2013 he did another research stay, also in Topology, in “The University of Delaware”, in Newark, Delaware, USA.

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