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198008 - Francisco Andrés Garrido Sepúlveda

Francisco got his Ph.D. in economics from Georgetown University in 2020 and is currently an assistant professor at ITAM, where he teaches Business Strategy. His research focuses on competition and regulation, with a particular focus on the interaction between market structure, product variety, and price competition. Additionally, he is interested in using econometric and computational tools to inform private decision making.

61033 - Fernando Pérez Cervantes

His research currently focuses on the use of big data to calibrate structural economic models and explain the processes of price formation as well as other financial and economic processes. He is a former Economic Researcher from the Mexican Central Bank, where he specialized in trade infrastructure, prices, regional economies and urban economics. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in both Economics and Applied Mathematics from ITAM, and a Masters and PhD in Economics from The University of Chicago, where he taught courses in Banking and International Finance.  

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