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Professor of Political Science at ITAM since 1996. He obtained his Ph.D. in Political Science from The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, United States (1997), and his B.A. in Social Sciences from ITAM (1991). He is a member at the National System of Researchers, level III. His areas of interest include public opinion, political behavior, elections, comparative politics, and survey research methodologies.

He has served as President of the World Values Survey Association, WAPOR (2013-2014) and as Vicepresident of the World Values Survey, WVSA (since 2013). He has also been the Managing Director of the Latinobarometro Study (since 2010), Heade of the Department of surveys and public opinion research at Reforma newspaper (1999-2015) and he is currently a Consultant/Director of Public Opinion Surveys at El Financiero newspaper (since 2016), where he also has a weekly column. 

He has been a Policy Scholar at the Mexico Institute, Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington DC, and visiting professor at the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (LCSR) in the Higher School of Economics in Moscow and Saint Petersburg, Russia. Two of his academic articles publiched by the International Journal of Public Opinion Research have been awarded the Sir Robert Worcester Prize to the best article of the year (2006, 2009).

Among his published books are Political Cleavages (Wesview Press, 1999), El votante mexicano (2003), Nuestros valores (Banamex, 2005), La decisión electoral (M.A. Porrúa, 1999). He has also co-authored or coedited 14 edited volumes, including Mexico's Evolving Democracy (2015), El votante latinoamericano (CESOP, 2016), Voting in Old and New Democracies (Routledge, 2016). He is the author of almost one hundred articles in academic journals or edited volumes published in various countries.

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Alejandro Moreno
Academic Studies
BA in Social Sciences, ITAM
MA in Political Science, University of Michigan, USA
PhD in Political Science, University of Michigan, USA
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