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16429 - Luis Enrique Nieto Barajas

Luis Enrique Nieto Barajas Has a BSc in Actuarial Science from ITAM, an MSc in Statistics from IIMAS-UNAM and PhD in Statistics from the University of Bath in the UK. Worked in a marketing research company for two years and from 2001 to date is full time Professor of Statistics at ITAM. Has been statistical consultant for IFE (now INE) is diverse projects such as district formation, quick count and verification of the electoral padron, and external consultant for several companies.

15063 - Manuel Mendoza Ramírez

He is full time Professor and his research field is Bayesian Statistics. He has been Head of the Statistics Department, Director of the Applied Statistics Centre and founding Director of the master program on Risk Management. He got a Bachelor degree on Actuarial Sciences from the UNAM as well as a Master degree on Statistics and Operations Research and a Doctor degree (Mathematics) also from the UNAM.

63847 - Alejandro Islas Camargo

He has been a full Professor and Researcher in the Department of Statistics at ITAM since 2001. He has a Bachelor and a Master degree in Mathematics from UAM, as well as, a Master degree in Statistics from Iowa State University. He received his Ph.D. from The University of New Mexico in economics. He is a member of the National System of Researchers, level I. He has been visitor professor at Texas A&M University (Bush School) and The University of New Mexico. He has been advisor in projects for SEDESOL, CONACYT/BIRF and UNDP Mexico.

10406 - Víctor Manuel Guerrero Guzmán

He has been full Professor and Researcher in the Department of Statistics at ITAM since 1990 and was Head of the Stat Department. He holds the degrees of Actuary from UNAM and both the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Statistics from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. He is a member of the National System of Researchers (SNI) with Level III. During year 2017 he has been working as an Invited Researcher in the Dirección General Adjunta de Investigación at the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) in Mexico City.

102320 - Ernesto Juvenal Barrios Zamudio

Ernesto Barrios has a bachelor degree in Physics-Mathematics from IPN, a Master in Science and a Ph. D, at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, both with specialty in Statistics.

He worked as analyst at the IMP; founder member of the Statistics group at CIMAT; In-house statistical consultant at Plasma-Aided Engineer Lab and member of CQPI at UW-Madison. External statistical consultant mainly in Quality Control and Engineering projects.

184756 - Carlos Vladimir Rodríguez Caballero

Vladimir Rodríguez holds a BSc in Actuarial Sciences from Faculty of Sciences, UNAM, a MSc in Economics from University of Guanajuato. Vladimir holds a PhD in Economics from  the Center for Research in Econometric Analysis of Time Series, CREATES, at Aarhus University, Denmark. He was postdoctoral researcher at Carlos III University of Madrid and Assistant Professor of Econometrics with tenure track in the same university. Vladimir has banking professional experience having worked in Risk Management departments in three different Banks in Mexico.

197582 - Airam Aseret Blancas Benítez

Airam graduated in 2009 from the Bachelor of Mathematics of the Autonomous University of Sinaloa, with the best academic performance in her class. Later, she did graduate from master and PhD in Probability and Statistics at CIMAT, in Guanajuato. The advisor of her master thesis is Dr. Víctor Rivero who also co-directed her PhD thesis with Arno Siri-Jégousse. During the fourth year of her PhD, she did a research stay at the Paris VI University, Pierre et Marie Curie (now Sorbonne University), in France.

108727 - Alfredo Garbuno Íñigo

Currently, Alfredo Garbuno‐Inigo is an assistant professor at Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM). He has two Ba’s, one in Applied Mathematics (2012) and another in Actuarial Sciences (2013) from ITAM. He obtained an Msc in Data Science at ITAM in 2014. He obtained his PhD from the University of Liverpool School of Engineering in 2018, and held postdoctoral positions in Computing and mathematical Sciences, and Geological and Planetary Sciences at California Institute of Technology (Caltech) from 2018–2020.

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