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129644 - Adán Ramírez López

Researcher and full time Professor of the Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering at the ITAM. PhD in Metalurgical engineering from the National Polytechnic Institute, PhD in Materials Science from the Autonoumous Metropolitan University, MSc and BSc in Aeronautical Engineering  from the National Polytechnic Institute.

169296 - Thomas Martin Rudolf

He is currently an associate professor and researcher at ITAM. He completed his engineering studies with specialization in Mechatronics at the University of Darmstadt. During his studies, he focused on fundamentals of control theory, identification of systems and mechanics. After his studies in Darmstadt, he started working as a research assistant at the Laboratory of Machine Tools at the University of Aachen, RWTH Aachen.

84620 - Sergio Romero Hernández

He is the Director of the Center for Technological Development (CDT) at ITAM, where he works as a full time research-professor. He is founder and coordinator of the Diploma on Planning and Direction of Operations at the Direction of University Extension and Executive Development at ITAM. He is a Mechanical Engineer of UNAM; Master of Science and Doctor of Engineering at the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, England.

145145 - Luis Antonio Moncayo Martínez

Dr. Moncayo is Associate Professor of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations at ITAM and member of the National System of Researchers of CONACyT. The University of Exeter (UK) awarded him a PhD in Engineering. His research focuses on the development of optimization techniques (operations research) to improve manufacturing and logistics systems, as well as the application of data analytics in these systems.

191094 - Elías Heriberto Arias Nava

Dr. Arias is an associate professor in the Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering at ITAM.  He graduated from New Mexico State University with a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and a doctoral minor in applied statistics.  His research areas in industrial engineering are: reliability and degradation analysis, manufacturing, quality engineering, and material analysis.

197381 - Romeo Ortega Martínez

Romeo Ortega was born in Mexico. He obtained his BSc in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering from the National University of Mexico, Master of Engineering from Polytechnical Institute of Leningrad, USSR, and the Docteur D`Etat from the PolitechnicalInstitute of Grenoble, France in 1974, 1978 and 1984 respectively. He then joined the National University of Mexico, where he worked until1989. He was a Visiting Professor at the University of Illinois in 1987-88 and at McGill University in 1991-1992, and a Fellow of the Japan Society for Promotion of Science in 1990-1991.  

32563 - Ante Salcedo González

He is Dean of the Division of Engineering, Head of the Digital Systems Department and full-time professor and researcher. He holds MIT Ph.D. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering and computer science, as well as a B.Sc. degree in mechanical-electrical engineering from UNAM. He lectures a variety of courses related to signal propagation in the physical layer of communications networks, and conducts basic research about the presence and implications of astronomical dimension electromagnetic waves. At the same time, Dr.

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