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He is currently a part-time professor associated with the Digital Systems Department, where he has lectured a diversity of engineering and telecommunications courses since 2004. Additionally, he is an independent, consultant, an ITU consultant, and a member of the Scientific Committee of FORMIT, in Rome, Italy. He has a Sciences Doctorat degree from the University of Grenoble, France; a title of Engineer on Automation from the Institute Polytechnique de Grenoble, France; and he is a Communications and Electronics Engineer from the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico (IPN), where he was awarded a “Suma Cum Laude” recognition. Doctor Melrose has conducted applied research on the design of computers for inertial navigation systems. In the public service he has been responsible for strategic planning and decision making for the infrastructure investment programs of the Mexican transportation and communications sectors. He was Research Coordinator at the Mexican Institute for Communications, where he was the head of the technical team in charge of the second generation of Mexican telecommunications satellites. Doctor Melrose has been an international officer, collaborating on several informatics and communications technology transfer projects for developing countries; and for several years as an independent consultant, he also carried out a number of telematics projects in Europe and Africa. Along his extensive professional career, he has been appointed as the Director General for the National Spectrum Management at the Communications and Transportation Ministry, and also as the Technology and Engineering Commissioner, at the Federal Telecommunications Commission (Cofetel). He has received several awards, including the National Engineering Award 1997, from Colegio de Ingenieros en Comunicaciones y Electrónica; the WCA Regulatory Vision Award 2002, from the Wireless Communications Association; and the Mexico City Communications Engineering Award in 2009.

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Enrique Melrose
Academic Studies
PhD in Physics Science, Université de Grenoble, France
Specialty in Engineering Automatique, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d 'Ingénieurs, France
Specialty in Communicatios and Electronics Engineering, Instituto Politécnico Nacional