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196493 - Margarita Tarragona Sáez

Margarita Tarragona Sáez integrates her academic work with her practice as a psychologist. She is especially interested in applying scientific findings about well-being to help people thrive in psychotherapy, coaching and education. She is a lecturer in Positive Psychology for the University of Pennsylvania´s online degree and certificate programs. She is the president of the Mexican Positive Psychology Society and is on the board of advisors of IPPA, the International Positive Psychology Association.

197381 - Romeo Ortega Martínez

Romeo Ortega was born in Mexico. He obtained his BSc in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering from the National University of Mexico, Master of Engineering from Polytechnical Institute of Leningrad, USSR, and the Docteur D`Etat from the PolitechnicalInstitute of Grenoble, France in 1974, 1978 and 1984 respectively. He then joined the National University of Mexico, where he worked until1989. He was a Visiting Professor at the University of Illinois in 1987-88 and at McGill University in 1991-1992, and a Fellow of the Japan Society for Promotion of Science in 1990-1991.  

199079 - XinyangWang

Xinyang obtained his bachelor's and master's degrees in mathematics from Johns Hopkins. Attracted by the beauty of the general equilibrium theory, he did a doctorate study in economics at Yale. Xinyang's main research field is economic theory. He likes questions on modeling economic agents, how these agents interact in a cooperative or competitive environment, the connections between economic models, and all sorts of applications. His interests in economic theory are complemented by their mathematical correspondence, in particular, analysis.

199023 - RomainGeniez

Romain Geniez joined the law faculty as a full time Associate professor in August 2020. He is a PhD student in Philosophy of law and history of the legal culture in the University of Genoa (Istituto Tarello per la Filosofia del Diritto) as well as PhD student in Public law in the Paris-Nanterre University (Centre de Théorie et Analyse du droit).

197582 - Airam Aseret Blancas Benítez

Airam graduated in 2009 from the Bachelor of Mathematics of the Autonomous University of Sinaloa, with the best academic performance in her class. Later, she did graduate from master and PhD in Probability and Statistics at CIMAT, in Guanajuato. The advisor of her master thesis is Dr. Víctor Rivero who also co-directed her PhD thesis with Arno Siri-Jégousse. During the fourth year of her PhD, she did a research stay at the Paris VI University, Pierre et Marie Curie (now Sorbonne University), in France.

41165 - Leonardo Rojas Nandayapa

am a mathematician working in applied probability. My main research interests are on rare events, heavy‐tailed distributions and extremes, with certain emphasis on efficient rare‐event simulation. I also have interests in risk theory, stochastic simulation, queueing theory, extreme value theory, stability and statistical inference for stochastic processes.

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