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191094 - Elías Heriberto Arias Nava

Dr. Arias is an associate professor in the Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering at ITAM.  He graduated from New Mexico State University with a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and a doctoral minor in applied statistics.  His research areas in industrial engineering are: reliability and degradation analysis, manufacturing, quality engineering, and material analysis.

191241 - José María Barrero

Jose Maria Barrero is an Assistant Professor of Finance at Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM), where he conducts empirical and quantitative research in macroeconomics and finance, focusing on firm behavior under uncertainty. He also teaches undergraduate corporate finance. Professor Barrero holds a BA in Economics and Mathematics from the University of Pennsylvania and an MA and PhD in Economics from Stanford University.

56612 - Carlos Arturo Serna Garcini

Carlos Arturo Serna Garcini is a part time professor at ITAM's School of Business. Carlos areas of interest are in the interplay of organizational behavior, marketing and statistics.


Dr. Garcini’s interests rely on gaining critical insights from human behavior in order to better understand and improve the internal management of organizations as well as their business performance. He specializes in innovative and creative industries and in contexts of rapid organizational change; he is a strong advocate for using data to improve business decisions.

191524 - Guilherme Vasconcelos Vilaca

Guilherme joined the Law Department of ITAM as Profesor Asociado de Tiempo Completo in August 2019. Previously, he held sessional and full-time teaching and research appointments in Australia (James Cook University and The University of Queensland), China (Xi’an Jiaotong University), Finland (University of Helsinki) and Italy (La Sapienza). He also taught an intensive seminar at Universidad de los Andes (Colombia).

169238 - Sandra Lorena Villalobos Orozco

Sandra Lorena Villalobos Orozco has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Spanish from Eastern Michigan University, with a minor in Anthropology. She also has a Master of Arts degree in Spanish from the same institution. After graduating, she worked as a lecturer at Eastern Michigan, teaching Spanish as a second language at the beginning and intermediate level. Her main interests are sociolinguistics, Spanish language acquisition for second language and heritage learners, academic writing, and the design of written and oral Spanish proficiency tests.

167589 - Jorge Tello Peón

Intelligence specialist who has dedicated more than 20 years to the development and promotion of intelligence and information institutions and services. In the public sector, he served as National Security advisor, Undersecretary of Government and Director of the Center for Investigation and National Security (Cisen). In the private sector, he was Vicepresident of Cemex's International Information unit. He has taught Strategic Intelligence courses at the School of Government and Public Transformation of the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM).

191162 - AntonellaBandiera

Antonella Bandiera is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science at ITAM in Mexico City, and has a Ph.D in Political Science from New York University (NYU). She specializes in political economy of development, and her research focuses on the consequences of weak institutions, including illegal markets, corruption, violence, and crime. In her work, Antonella uses quantitative approaches to causal inference, including experimental and quasi-experimental designs. She is currently working on projects in Colombia, Peru, Paraguay, Argentina, and El Salvador.  She has an M.A.

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