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2004 - Rosa María Athie Rubio

Studied accounting at ITAM and the master's in accounting at the University of Florida in conjunction with ITAM. Is an academic at the ITAM in the area of financial accounting, administrative and cost and is a member of the Not-for-Profit Entities Committe from the Mexican Institute of Public Accountants.

She has participated in the design and delivery of courses for entities with non-for- profit purposes and in courses for SCOTIABANK, projects online for ITAM and BANAMEX as well as research projects for the Ministry of economy in conjunction with ITAM. 

3848 - María Candelas Ramírez

She is currently a part-time professor in the Academic Department of Accounting at ITAM, where she teaches and coordinates courses for undergraduate programs. She also teaches Diploma courses at the Executive Development area at ITAM. She earned a BA in Accounting and an MBA, both from ITAM, and is a Certified Public Accountant by the Mexican Institute of Public Accountants. Previously, also at ITAM, she held the position of Chief of Administrative Services and was a full-time professor.

19497 - Benito Revah Meyohas

Certified Public Accountant by ITAM and Master in Accounting, joint program of the same Institute and the International University of Florida. He studied the Senior Management Program at IPADE and the Centered Learning Colloquium at the Harvard Business School.

Certified Public Accountant and additionally Certified in the Discipline of Finance by the Mexican Institute of Public Accountants A.C.

121014 - Gabriel Goodliffe

Goodliffe is currently full-time professor and researcher in the Department of International Studies at ITAM. In this capacity, he teaches or has taught International Economic Relations, Introduction to International Relations, and the departmental Thesis Preparation Seminar. He holds a B.A. in French from Yale University, an M.A. in political science from Stanford University, and an M.A. and Ph.D. from the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies.

32981 - Rodrigo Chacón Aguirre

Rodrigo Chacón is currently an Assistant Professor of International Studies at ITAM and a National Researcher (SNI, level I). He received his BA in International Relations from ITAM, and holds MA and PhD degrees in Political Science from the New School for Social Research. Since 2004, he has taught political science, social theory, and international relations at Eugene Lang College, Technische Universität-Dresden, Boston College, Harvard, and ITAM.

15804 - Alejandro Moreno Álvarez

Professor of Political Science at ITAM since 1996. He obtained his Ph.D. in Political Science from The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, United States (1997), and his B.A. in Social Sciences from ITAM (1991). He is a member at the National System of Researchers, level III. His areas of interest include public opinion, political behavior, elections, comparative politics, and survey research methodologies.

126841 - Roberto Zocco Pasimeni

Engineer by heart (Polytechnic of Milan) is a philosopher and theologian by vocation. Graduated in Philosophy and Theology from the Gregorian University (Rome, Italy), has obtained a Master in Dogmatic Theology at the University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (Germany), where he is completing his PhD in Philosophy on the concept of "person" in Robert Spaemann and its consequences in law and economics.

15282 - Sandra Patricia Minaburo Villar

She is currently the Director of the Research Center in Accounting (CEPAC) at ITAM and full-time professor at the Accounting Department at the same institution. At ITAM she has served as Director of the Program in Public Accounting and Financial Strategy, and as the Head of the Accounting Department. She is a Public Accountant from ITAM, has a Master's Degree in Finance, a Master's Degree in Accounting, a Master's Degree in Information Technology and Administration from ITAM and a Master's Degree in Accounting from Florida International University (FIU).

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