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168196 - Adrián Lucardi

Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at ITAM in Mexico City. Level I researcher at the National Researchers System (SNI) of Mexico’s National Council of Science and Technology (CONACyT). BA in Political Science from the Universidad de San Andrés (Buenos Aires) and PhD in Political Science from Washington University in St. Louis.

172423 - AndreasWachtel

Prior to his studies, Andreas Wachtel worked for nine years for the German company Siemens in Germany, México and the USA.

He started his Bachelor degree in 2007, and finished his Masters degree in applied mathematics in 2012 at the Technical university of Dresden (Germany).

Then, he went on to do his PhD in applied mathematics at the University of Strathclyde (located in Glasgow, UK).

In December 2015 he finished this project, and found  a temporary job as a programmer at the Student Loans Company in England.

175985 - Edith Mireya Vargas García

I did a postdoctoral research in during 2014-2016 at the University of Leeds (U.K.), under the direction of Professor John Truss, being invited by the London Mathematical Society in 2015, to give a talk about our work, in Durham. During my Ph.D. studies, at the Dresden University of Technology, I worked closely with clone and lattice theory, and universal algebra, more precisely with clones determined by sets of special relations, under the direction of Prof. Reinhard Pöschel. Prior to my Ph.D.

172721 - Abimael Javier Bengochea Cruz

Bachelor Degree and Phd in Physics UAM Iztapalapa, Posdoctoral Research Position at Faculty of Sciences UNAM and School of Engineering University of Sevilla. National System of Researchers Level I

I have focused my investigation on the study of periodic orbits of hamiltonian systems (n-body problem and restricted models). I am interested in Dynamical Systems, Stability and Bifurcations of Periodic Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations, and Mathematical Modelling.

59147 - Juan Carlos Aguilar Villegas

I studied the Bachelor of Mathematics at the University of Guanajuato; the subject of my thesis was about wavelets and signal processing. I obtained my Ph.D. in Mathematics from the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University (NYU). In my doctoral thesis I developed algorithms and error estimators to approximate the solution of certain partial differential equations with the finite element method. In a postdoctoral stay at the same institute I worked on the numerical approximation of solutions of integral equations that model the dispersion of acoustic waves.

102320 - Ernesto Juvenal Barrios Zamudio

Ernesto Barrios has a bachelor degree in Physics-Mathematics from IPN, a Master in Science and a Ph. D, at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, both with specialty in Statistics.

He worked as analyst at the IMP; founder member of the Statistics group at CIMAT; In-house statistical consultant at Plasma-Aided Engineer Lab and member of CQPI at UW-Madison. External statistical consultant mainly in Quality Control and Engineering projects.

146046 - Pablo Castañeda Rivera

The collective and the interdisciplinary are main axes that govern my life since I was just a youngster. These phenomena naturally occur when one is engaged in applied mathematics, which is the best game that mankind has achieved.

I like to say that I am American as I was born in Central America and very soon, I came to Mexico where I learned about life and death. Finally, I got my academic and social education in the course of ten years living in South America, when I belong to the "Cidade Maravilhosa", Rio de Janeiro. Now, I have come back to North America at the ITAM.

26263 - Natalia Saltalamacchia Ziccardi

Natalia Saltalamacchia Ziccardi is professor at the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM) since 2004 and is currently on leave to carry out her duty as General Director of the Matías Romero Institute, the Diplomatic Academy at the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She was Director of the Undergraduate Program of International Relations, as well as of the Center for Inter-American Studies and Programs (Centro de Estudios y Programas Interamericanos, CEPI) at said Institute.

12197 - Virginia Kalis Letayf

She is a full time professor at the Accounting Department and co-director of the Teaching Center for .the Division of Business Administration and Accounting. She is member of the Academic Subcommittee of the Consejo Coordinador Empresarial (CCE) and since 2005 she is Faculty Advisor for BetaGammaSigma-ITAM.

She has a bachelor degree in Public Accounting, an MBA and a Masters in Accounting from ITAM.

She teaches different courses of Basic and Intermediate Accounting, Business Combinations as well as several courses for Executive Development.

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