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169239 - Shaun David McRae

Shaun McRae is an Assistant Professor in the Centro de Investigación Económica and Department of Economics at ITAM. His fields of specialization are Energy and Environmental Economics and Industrial Organization. Shaun's research includes studies of electricity tariff and subsidy design in developing countries, the analysis of market performance in restructured electricity markets, the study of driving and gasoline purchase behavior, and the analysis of investments in pipeline infrastructure. He has a Ph.D. in economics from Stanford University.

37250 - TridibSharma

Tridib’s research focuses on dynamic games, mechanism design and experimental economics. His current research projects pertain to dynamic cheap talk and balanced prior free mechanisms. Tridib is also involved in studying data generated from experiments on correlated equilibria.

129644 - Adán Ramírez López

Researcher and full time Professor of the Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering at the ITAM. PhD in Metalurgical engineering from the National Polytechnic Institute, PhD in Materials Science from the Autonoumous Metropolitan University, MSc and BSc in Aeronautical Engineering  from the National Polytechnic Institute.

169296 - Thomas Martin Rudolf

He is currently an associate professor and researcher at ITAM. He completed his engineering studies with specialization in Mechatronics at the University of Darmstadt. During his studies, he focused on fundamentals of control theory, identification of systems and mechanics. After his studies in Darmstadt, he started working as a research assistant at the Laboratory of Machine Tools at the University of Aachen, RWTH Aachen.

84620 - Sergio Romero Hernández

He is the Director of the Center for Technological Development (CDT) at ITAM, where he works as a full time research-professor. He is founder and coordinator of the Diploma on Planning and Direction of Operations at the Direction of University Extension and Executive Development at ITAM. He is a Mechanical Engineer of UNAM; Master of Science and Doctor of Engineering at the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, England.

145145 - Luis Antonio Moncayo Martínez

Dr. Moncayo is Associate Professor of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations at ITAM and member of the National System of Researchers of CONACyT. The University of Exeter (UK) awarded him a PhD in Engineering. His research focuses on the development of optimization techniques (operations research) to improve manufacturing and logistics systems, as well as the application of data analytics in these systems.

148829 - León Berdichevsky Acosta

He is Full Time Researcher Professor. He graduated with honors from the Physics Engineering Undergraduate Program at ITESM campus Monterrey, has a Master in Theoretical Physics with cum laude honor from Utrecht University in the Netherlands and a PhD in Theoretical Physics from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel.

He worked as the Deputy Director of the Analytics area at Banorte Insurance and Pensions. He also worked in the Risk Analytics area at BBVA Bancomer constructing statistical and machine learning models for Credit Risk Management of different portfolios.

146750 - Gabriel Astey Wood

He is a full time professor at the Academic Department of Languages (DAL) at ITAM. He has a PhD and an MA in Literary Theory (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana); he also has a BA in Hispanic Literature (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México). He has been teaching Hispanic Literature and Academic Writing Skills in Spanish since 1996. His research focuses on the relationship between rethoric, literary theory and philosopichal discourse in the context of the 20th century hispanic thinkers. He is the author of Nacer desde el sueño.

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