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7524 - Bradly J. Condon

Bradly J. Condon (B.A., UBC), (LL.B., McGill), (LL.M., Calgary), (Ph.D., Bond) is the WTO Chair Professor and Founding Director of the Centre for International Economic Law. He has served as visiting professor of international economic law at the Permanent Mission of Mexico to the WTO in Geneva, the University of New South Wales in Australia, and the University of Victoria in Canada.

160412 - Alejandro Rodiles Bretón

A full time Professor at ITAM’s Law Department, Alejandro Rodiles teaches public international law as well as law and global governance. He earned his law degree (LL.B.) from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). He has completed his doctoral studies (summa cum laude) at Humboldt University, Berlin. In June 2016, his PhD thesis was awarded with the Faculty Price of the Faculty of Law of Humboldt University. In July 2016, he was elected a member of Mexico’s National Research System (SNI, level 1).   

111251 - Felipe Curcó Cobos

Felipe Curco Cobos, PhD in Political Theory. He received his PhD on Political Theory by the University  of Barcelona, specializing on contemporary political thought.  He was a Fulbright scholarship holder  in social sciences  and professor  at the University of Barcelona. He has also been a professor at UNAM in the Faculty of Philosophy. He has taught various courses in Mexico and abroad.  Presently he is a full time associate professor and investigator in the Academic Department of Political Science at ITAM.

110985 - Marco Antonio Morales Aguirre

He is full time professor and researcher at the Digital Systems Department. His main research interests are motion planning and control for autonomous robots. He received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Texas A&M University, as well as a M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and a B.Sc. in Computer Engineering from UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México). He was awarded a Fulbright/García Robles scholarship to pursue his PhD, a CONACYT scholarship to pursue his Masters, and was a SuperComputing Scholar at UNAM. He has been member of the National System of Researchers in Mexico.

14821 - Marcelo Carlos Mejía Olvera

Marcelo Mejía graduated as a Biomedical Engineer at the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM) in 1982 and has Master degrees in Computer Science from the UAM, and in Computer Networks from Supélec, in France. In 1989, he obtained a Doctorate in Computer Science from the University of Rennes I, France, working on his doctoral research at the INRIA (Rennes and Sophia Antipolis).

294 - Ignacio N. Lobato García Miján

Ignacio conducts research on theoretical econometrics, data management, machine learning, financial econometrics, time series, applied econometrics, forecasting, nonparametric procedures, and nonlinear methods. His recent econometric research has focused on inference in models defined by conditional moment restrictions, as well as time series methods for non-causal and non-invertible linear models.

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