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139392 - Carlos Gutiérrez Lozano

Carlos Gutiérrez Lozano got his PhD in Philosophy from Universidad Iberoamericana with a thesis dissertation about the metaphysical thinking of Nietzsche and Heidegger. Nowadays, he is studying a PhD program in Philosphy of Religion at University of Innsbruck, where he is working on a thesis dissertation on the religious world view of John Henry Newman and Ludwig Wittgenstein. He specializes in Nietzsche, Heidegger, John Henry Newman and René Girard’s thinking, about which he has lectured in different universities around the country.

169837 - Stefano Straulino Torre

He has a degree in philosophy from the Panamerican University and a PhD in philosophy from the University of Navarra. He has made research stays at the University of Leipzig. He lectures General Studies courses at ITAM, and also teaches humanities and philosophy courses at the Panamerican University. He has also taught at the University of Navarra and at the University of Montevideo. His main research topic is the theoretical philosophy of Immanuel Kant, in particular his theory of knowledge. He has published a book and several articles on this theme.

106807 - José Rafael González Díaz

Professor José Rafael González Díaz studied Philosophy and Theology at Universidad Pontificia de México, where he learnt Latin and Greek, and taught Metaphysics, Theory of Knowledge and Patrology. He got his BA in Philosophy with a thesis dissertation about Emmanuel Mounier´s Personalism. Later he got an MA in Education from Centro Universitario México, and an MA in Human Rights from Universidad Iberoamericana, where he specialized in political participation and philosophy.

6674 - José Pantaleón Domínguez Esponda

He is full-time professor at Departamento Académico de Estudios Generales. He has a Licentiate degree in Philosophy from Universidad Panamericana; Master in Philosophy from Universidad Anahuac del Sur and he is currently writing his dissertation in Philosophy to obtain the PhD from Universidad Anáhuac del Sur. He has studies in Economics from ITAM and studies in Theology from the Universidad Pontificia de México.

15190 - Felipe Meza Goiz

Dr. Felipe Meza is a researcher at CAIE and a professor of Economics. He joined ITAM in 2007. He has worked on the impact of fiscal variables, the behavior of productivity during financial crises, the effects of financial liberalization, and the dynamics of the informal sector. More recently he has worked on the link between productivity and the cost and availability of bank credit for Mexican manufacturing sectors. As of 2017 his research topics also include the fiscal and monetary history of contemporary Mexico, real exchange rate dynamics, and the impact of the US monetary policy. Prof.

51499 - Carlos Ernesto Urrutia Villalobos

Carlos Urrutia received his PhD in Economics from University of Minnesota in 1998. His areas of interest are within the fields of Macroeconomics and International Economics. He has worked on the topics of income differences across countries, income distribution, intergenerational mobility, social security, business cycles in emerging economies and financial and labor market frictions. He is currently an editor for the Latin-American blog Foco Económico.

109075 - Jaime Ruiz de Santiago

Jaime Ruiz de Santiago (1946-). Mexican lawyer, philosopher and theologist. He studied at Universidad Iberoamericana, in Mexico; at the Catholic Institute in Paris, France; at the Autonomous University of Madrid, in Spain; at the International Institute of Human Rights in Strasbourg, in France, and at Georgetown University in Washington, in the United States.

97246 - Jesús Alejandro Ordieres Sieres

He developed studies in Classical Humanities at the Collegium Litterarum Humaniorum of Salamanca Spain obtaining the degree of Associate in Arts. After this, he obtain a B.A. in Philosophy from the Pontifical Gregorian University of Rome, Italy. After finishing his degree, he completed a Masters in Philosophy at the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas of Rome. He continued his studies pursuing a degree in Theology with specialty in Moral Theology.

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