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106807 - José Rafael González Díaz

Professor José Rafael González Díaz studied Philosophy and Theology at Universidad Pontificia de México, where he learnt Latin and Greek, and taught Metaphysics, Theory of Knowledge and Patrology. He got his BA in Philosophy with a thesis dissertation about Emmanuel Mounier´s Personalism. Later he got an MA in Education from Centro Universitario México, and an MA in Human Rights from Universidad Iberoamericana, where he specialized in political participation and philosophy.

6674 - José Pantaleón Domínguez Esponda

He is full-time professor at Departamento Académico de Estudios Generales. He has a Licentiate degree in Philosophy from Universidad Panamericana; Master in Philosophy from Universidad Anahuac del Sur and he is currently writing his dissertation in Philosophy to obtain the PhD from Universidad Anáhuac del Sur. He has studies in Economics from ITAM and studies in Theology from the Universidad Pontificia de México.

109075 - Jaime Ruiz de Santiago

Jaime Ruiz de Santiago (1946-). Mexican lawyer, philosopher and theologist. He studied at Universidad Iberoamericana, in Mexico; at the Catholic Institute in Paris, France; at the Autonomous University of Madrid, in Spain; at the International Institute of Human Rights in Strasbourg, in France, and at Georgetown University in Washington, in the United States.

97246 - Jesús Alejandro Ordieres Sieres

He developed studies in Classical Humanities at the Collegium Litterarum Humaniorum of Salamanca Spain obtaining the degree of Associate in Arts. After this, he obtain a B.A. in Philosophy from the Pontifical Gregorian University of Rome, Italy. After finishing his degree, he completed a Masters in Philosophy at the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas of Rome. He continued his studies pursuing a degree in Theology with specialty in Moral Theology.

146750 - Gabriel Astey Wood

He is a full time professor at the Academic Department of Languages (DAL) at ITAM. He has a PhD and an MA in Literary Theory (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana); he also has a BA in Hispanic Literature (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México). He has been teaching Hispanic Literature and Academic Writing Skills in Spanish since 1996. His research focuses on the relationship between rethoric, literary theory and philosopichal discourse in the context of the 20th century hispanic thinkers. He is the author of Nacer desde el sueño.

156594 - Federico Guzmán Rubio

He has a bachelor’s degree in Spanish Language and Literature from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), a Master of Arts degree in Hispanic Philology from the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) in Spain, and PhD in European Literature from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. His academic interests are focused on the twentieth and twenty-first century Latin American Literature and in Travel Literature, and his work has been presented at conferences and published in academic journals.

6511411497 - Conrado Arranz Mínguez

He holds a Law Degree from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, a Master Degree in Spanish and Latin American Literature and Theater theater, and a PhD in Spanish and Latin Americana Literatures, both from UNED, whith a two years research stay at El Colegio de México. Currently, he is a professor of Estrategias de Comunicación Escrita and Investigación y Redacción Jurídica at ITAM and collaborates as a researcher at Seminario de Tradiciones Populares of El Colegio de México. Since January 2016, he is a member of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores in the category of “Candidate”.

37034 - Marcela Rabadán Gallardo

Since 2004, she has been a full time professor at de Academic Department of Languages at ITAM. She teaches different courses: Written Communication Strategies, Study Skills and English. She has also taught Introduction to Translation: Contrastive Analysis and Professional Writing at the Continuing Education Office at ITAM. She has an MA in Humanities (Universidad Anáhuac), and a BA in Translation (Universidad Intercontinental).

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